The golfers of Fidelity and St Wilfrid Lodges again gathered to renew their annual friendly rivalry to compete for the Robson Trophy. In brilliant sunshine, the golfers enjoyed an excellent afternoon of sport at Garforth Golf Club with the St Wilfrid team [Chris Chappell, Frank Chappell, Graham Fuller, Adrian Goldthorpe, Brian Mason, Stephen Till & Graeme Webber] emerging victorious to again retain the Trophy. Twenty Brethren then gathered at the 19th hole to see the trophy presented to WM Chris Chappell. A very enjoyable supper in excellent company provided a fitting end to a really good day!
St Wilfrid Lodge would like to thank Club Captain Adrian Goldthorpe and Garforth Golf Club for their generous hospitality, Golf Secretary Brian Mason for organising the event and the golfers of Fidelity Lodge for again proving such sporting opponents!
St Wilfrid Golfers meet again in August to compete for the Cyril Geen Trophy.