Brethren, at the Zoom meeting last Thursday, everyone present agreed to support the St George’s Crypt Christmas Appeal this year. The suggestion is that each member makes their donation via the Just Giving page that we have set up (see below).
In addition, one of our Brethren has said he will double the amount that is raised!
We have not met since Scroll Night and have not been able to make our usual weekly contributions to the Alms Fund and the Senior Steward’s Raffle. I hope that in lieu of this you will feel able to make a generous donation to help the Crypt.
Like all charities they are having their work cut out to cover their extensive costs. All their community and corporate fundraising has stopped and they are getting busier and busier as the weather closes in. To this end, the meeting decided to put all our charitable effort into supporting the Crypt, including the usual Christmas card appeal.
I do hope that I can count on your support.
Please make your donation (including Gift Aid permission) by using our Just Giving page.
If you prefer to use a cheque please make it payable to BHL Mason and I will make the transfer on your behalf.
Please also let me know if you wish the Crypt to claim Gift Aid.
With very grateful thanks at this difficult time
Yours sincerely and fraternally
W.Bro Brian HL Mason PPSGW Lodge Almoner