St Wilfrid Lodge are delighted to support this appeal!
As a result of the fantastic generosity shown by the Brethren of the Castle Grove Lodges, Chapters and Side Orders last year, over 300 toys and gifts were donated to four very worthy charities last festive season – the Leeds Children’s Hospital, Martin House Hospice for Children and Young People, the Leeds Children’s Charity and Leeds Jewish Welfare Board which received Chanukah gifts for 28 children under its care.
Since its launch two years ago, the Brethren of the Castle Grove Lodges have responded magnificently to this appeal with donations of children’s toys and games, and bath/beauty gift sets for teenagers. Last year we also received some incredibly generous cash donations from both Lodges and individual Brethren which enabled us to not only buy even more gifts, but also hats, scarves, gloves, pyjamas and other suitable winter clothing which were distributed by Leeds Children’s Charity to children living in desperate need across the city.
The Covid 19 situation has not only separated many of us from family and friends and prevented us from seeing each other as we usually do at Castle Grove, but has pushed many families into further difficulties, both financially and mentally, with children suffering terribly as a result. So yet again I am appealing for your help in bringing some level of joy to those young ones this December. Due to the current situation it’s not possible to collect your toys and gifts at Castle Grove so on this occasion we are asking for donations of money with which we will purchase the gifts on your behalf.
Please donate by bank transfer
The deadline for donations is Wednesday 2 December 2020
Please donate by bank transfer. Please make to donations to:
Account Name: Loyalty Lodge 4971 Charity Account
Sort Code: 05-01-21
Account No: 32055275
Please use the Reference: Toy Appeal (Surname and Lodge Number)
With your assistance we can light up a great number of young faces again this year!
Best wishes,
Yours sincerely & fraternally,
W Bro Graham J Shiers, PPJGW