Despite Castle Grove being shut and Lodges unable to meet, the response from Castle Grove Brethren, Lodges, Chapters and Side Orders for the 2020 Toy & Gift Appeal was truly overwhelming. Over £3,000 was donated by Lodges and Brethren which enabled us to purchase toys and gifts on your behalf to help six organisations, recognising the work they do for children and young people.
Through your generosity we were able to buy over 900 toys and gifts, plus we received donations of brand new clothing, toys and, from one major manufacturer, five huge cartons of bath toys and children’s feeding sets.
The gifts were donated on your behalf to:
The Covid 19 situation has pushed many families into awful difficulties, both financially and mentally, with children suffering terribly as a result. So yet again I am appealing for your help in bringing some level of joy to those young ones this December. Although Castle Grove has re-opened and Lodges are meeting, rather than receiving donations of gifts we are again asking for donations of money with which we can purchase a range of suitable gifts on your behalf.
Please donate by bank transfer and use the reference: TA.(+ Your Surname and Lodge Number)
If however you wish to donate toys and gifts (must be new) rather than money, please bring them to Castle Grove Masonic Hall and leave them in the room adjoining the large Temple where the Loyalty storage cupboards are located – please do not wrap them.
I would also appeal to any Brethren with suitable retail/wholesale business contacts or connections to approach them for donations or discount towards this Appeal – it’s always worth asking!
The deadline for donations is Wednesday 8 December 2021
Please make to donations to:
Account Name: Loyalty Lodge 4971 Charity Account – Special Charity Appeal
Sort Code: 07923 415594
Account No: 07923 415594
Please use the Reference: TA.(Surname and Lodge Number)
With your assistance we can light up a great number of young faces again this year!