St Wilfrid Lodge joined in the annual Yorkshire Day celebrations at Lotherton Hall for the first time this Year with volunteer members and wives manning a stall throughout the day. There were a host of activities during the day with choirs, musicians and brass bands providing entertainment whilst the crowds visited the numerous stalls. Our stall featured games for children of all ages including ‘Splat the Mouse’, ‘Quoits’, ‘Hook the Ducks’, ‘Knock ‘Em Down’ and ‘Play Your Cards Right’ to name a few. One young visitor was heard to remark ‘That was one of the best stalls!,’ and we certainly were busy all day!!. Information about St Wilfrid Lodge and Freemasonry in general was available and whilst the games themselves were free to enter, donations toalling a very pleasing £120 were accepted on behalf of the Master’s Charities this year, Martin House Hospice & Prostate Cancer UK.
We were also pleased to welcome the Lord Mayor of Leeds, Cllr Graham Latty, and his wife, Cllr Pat Latty, the Lady Mayoress to our stall.