As you may be aware from conversations at our recent zoom meetings, Amit & James have been busy planning some activities which are to supplement our usual social calendar.
These are planned to be of an outdoor/adventurous nature and are scheduled for the first Sunday of each month. An initial draft list is below to give you a flavour of some of the ideas they have had. The plan is to provide opportunities to try out perhaps new activities, meet up in different informal settings, have some fun and hopefully give opportunities to people who might be interested in Freemasonry [or may not yet know they are interested!] to meet us. The activities are to supplement and not replace our other events and recruitment opportunities.
The attached list is an initial draft. Amit and James are keen to include other ideas and suggestions. Maybe you have an idea, skill/expertise or contact. If so, we would be grateful if you could let Amit, James or myself know.