St Wilfrid Lodge and Freemasons from across Leeds have again been helping to ensure hundreds of children will receive at least one present this year.
As in previous years, members of Lodges and side orders who meet in Headingley’s Castle Grove Masonic Hall have been asked to donate a present or money to buy gifts, which are then donated to a number of local charities. However, because of the ongoing coronavirus situation Toy Appeal co-ordinator Graham Shiers asked for financial contributions instead, resulting in an avalanche of cash, toy and clothing donations exceeding £3000 in value.
Donations from the Appeal were this year boosted by a very generous donation of a large number of toys from Firas to St Georges Crypt. Crypt Chaplain Roger Quick was delighted with the generous donations.
As you are aware, the Castle Grove Festive Toy & Gift Appeal was launched in November 2018 as a way of bringing all the Castle Grove Lodges together to provide something tangible to young people in our community during the festive season.
The 2021 Appeal was launched in October and the response from both Brethren and Lodges and Chapters has been absolutely overwhelming. In addition to donations of toys and gifts, we raised in excess of £2,000 to purchase further gifts which has enabled us to help six organisations this year, recognising the incredible work they do for children and young people.
The gifts were distributed to:
Leeds Children’s Charity
This incredible organisation looks after young children from the most deprived areas of Leeds – on your behalf we donated toys, selection boxes, pyjamas, hats and gloves, toiletries and children’s blankets
Homeless Street Angels
Through your generosity we have supported five families this year who would otherwise have had no gifts this Christmas
Leeds Baby Bank
We provided a range of toys and gifts including nappies, baby wipes, baby shampoo, body wash, nappy cream and other essential baby items
St George’s Crypt
The Charity is helping some 2000 families across Leeds living in dire poverty – your generosity allowed us to provide toys, and gifts including toiletries, pyjamas, hats and scarves
Leeds Jewish Welfare Board
Chanukah gifts for children under the care of the Welfare Board
East Leeds SILC Jack Clark
We provided 65 soft Glow Sticks for Children with special needs