St Wilfrid Lodge were delighted to welcome sixty Brethren and visitors to witness and celebrate the installation of its new Master, Stefan. We were very pleased to Welcome VW.Bro John Rushworth, PGSwdB, Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the personal representative of the Provincial Grand Master together with numerous distinguished guests and friends to a memorable ceremony.
Retiring Master Chris Chappell led the ceremony in style, ably assisted by his team of Installing Officers. A great deal of hard work by the Brethren of the Lodge behind the scenes in preparing for the day, issuing invitations, printing menus and organising table plans, preparing the Temple and the Festival of St John paid off in style! A super evening for members and guests alike followed by a great opportunity to enjoy each other’s company, catch up with friends and make new ones over a delicious meal in the Castle Grove Ballroom. Everyone was also treated to a gift of a specially brewed ‘Installation Pilsner’ courtesy of our newly appointed Junior Warden Andy.
Chris has enjoyed a very successful year as Master and Stefan and his newly appointed team are looking forward to building upon his achievements in the coming year.
An excellent start to another new Masonic year at St Wilfrid Lodge!