This Masonic year has been a very special year for our Master, Gilbert Jarrett. Not only does he celebrate his 70th birthday, this year marks his 50th year in Freemasonry. It also coincides with St Wilfrid Lodge’s 70th birthday, the bi-centenary of the Province of Yorkshire West Riding and the ter-centenary of Freemasonry in England. He is also the first to sit in the Chair of King Soloman for a second time in our Lodge. An auspicious occasion indeed! And to mark this very special event St Wilfrid Lodge was delighted to welcome almost a hundred Brethren to the celebration. There were 68 visitors representing 32 different Lodges, many of whom had travelled some distance, a mark of the esteem in which Gilbert is held. The Very Worshipful Brother John Rushworth, PGSwdB & PDPGM, presented Gilbert with a special certificate to mark the occasion and recalled the highlights of Gilbert’s long and extensive Masonic career. The evening concluded with a very enjoyable Festive Board. Good food in good company! Happy did we Meet and we hope Happy Meet Again!