The golfers of The Lodge of Fidelity and St Wilfrid Lodges again gathered to renew their annual friendly rivalry to compete for the Robson Trophy. In brilliant sunshine, the golfers enjoyed an excellent afternoon of sport at The Leeds Golf Club with the St Wilfrid team this time surrendering the trophy in a closely fought competition which was settled only at the final hole!
Twenty five Brethren then gathered at the 19th hole to see the trophy presented to The Lodge of Fidelity. A very enjoyable supper in excellent company provided a fitting end to a really good day!
St Wilfrid Lodge would like to thank The Leeds Golf Club for their generous hospitality, both Golf Secretaries for organising the event and the golfers of Fidelity Lodge for again proving such sporting opponents!
St Wilfrid Golfers meet again in August to compete for the Cyril Green Trophy.