After being postponed due to circumstances beyond our control the St Wilfrid Lodge Beer Tasting evening finally took place – and it was worth waiting for [especially the whisky beer – my favourite]!The body content of your post goes here. To edit this text, click on it and delete this default text and start typing your own or paste your own from a different source.
Around thirty members and guests assembled to enjoy a tutored tasting of seven different beers by our resident Master Brewer, Andy. Another very successful and enjoyable St Wilfrid occasion! Particular thanks to Graham, John & Mel for facilitating the use of Fairfax Lodge for the evening, to James for supplying the wine, Adrian for the samples of his lager and the ladies who helped with serving the beer and setting up the supper.
The raffle was very generously supported and I am pleased to report in total the evening raised £300 for the Master’s Charity, Henshaws. Many thanks to everyone who supported the event.